Naturopathy is a complete system of natural healthcare that believes that the body can heal itself. Healers work with herbs, foods, water, fasting and tissue manipulation in which include gentle treatments that do not obscure the body's own healing powers. In addition, naturopaths make practical use of the latest research involving nutrition, botanicals, homeopathy and other natural treatments. They work closely with 'mainstreams' healthcare practitioners.
Naturopathy is helpful for all types of disease, it has particular success with rheumatic and arthritic conditions and hypertension.
Principles can easily be included into everyday life, especially the baths, Try a salt massage bath if you are feeling sluggish and lacking in energy. Make a slushy paste from salt and water and apply it in circular motions all over the body. Soak in the bathtub filled with warm water. Not suitable for those with high blood pressure or heart condition.
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