KING's Herbal

KING's Herbal by is packed with 100% and 55.5% concentrates. It is made from fusion of selected fruits, herbs and vegetables that are rich sources of vitamins, minerals & polyphenols among others, KING's Herbal provides with all the essential and anti-oxidant substances that your body needs.

Benefits of KING's Herbal with everyday use:

  • the body is detoxified, stored toxins are filtered out of the system.
  • the Immune System is strengthened.
  • organ functions are restored and enhanced.
  • metabolism and stamina increases.
  • blood sugar level is normalized.
  • the balance of ions in the body is corrected and restored.
  • as the body gets used to cleansing power the bodily system normalized
  • it nourish the nervous system.
  • it provides antioxidants to the body
  • it promotes energy and wellness

KING's Herbal helped/prevents different diseases or illnesses such as:

Diabetes, High-blood Pressure, Kidney Disease, Prostate, Gall Stone, Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Myoma, Cyst, Breast Cancer, Paralysis Stroke, Leukemia, Dengue, Anemia, Primary Complex, Gout, Arthritis, Migraine, Sleep Disorder, Dysmenorrhea, Goiter, Heart Problem, Hepatitis, Psoriasis, Vertigo, Low Sperm Count, Sexual Impotence and among others . . .

For more information contact, REH Herbal Trading and Manufacturing at telephone numbers: +632 489-2421, +632 382-7290, +632 382-7317, +632 542-9185, +632 383-5050, +632 382-6989


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